Sun Revolves Around Earth Proved Wrong: If the Sun revolves around the Earth, how will you prove it wrong? Learn ! Today we will tell you how you will prove that the Sun revolves around the Earth!

Sun Revolves Around Earth Proved Wrong –
See, there are so many scientific methods which can easily be proven that the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the Sun. But most scientific methods are either very difficult or require instruments for them! So we will tell you an experiment so that you can easily prove this! After all, Sun revolves around the Earth!
For this experiment you will first need a good camera and hope that you do not live in the most polluted cities of India!
After this you have to do now that you go to the roof of your house or to an open area!
Sun Revolves Around Earth Proved Wrong –
Now make a mark by reaching there! (Which does not disappear easily)
Then, by setting a certain time at night, standing on that mark, looking at one direction, drag a beautiful photo of the sky!
Repeat this process a few days later!
Sun Revolves Around Earth Proved Wrong –
Do this for a few months!
Now you will find Turning Point, then add all the photos! You will find that as time passed, the situation of the stars changed completely! So this conclusion comes from the fact that the earth is rotating to the sun! Because if in the month of January the earth is on the side of the sun, then it will be on the other side a few months later! Just like you might be watching a bunch of other stars!
Now if you say that the earth is in its place! The sun and the moon are roaming around it! So in that situation you will see the sky ever, the direction of the stars will never change! Because we are looking at the same wires every time!
Hope you have understood this simple example! It does not need any science equipment or any scientist!