BJP fight decisive battle sealing preparations Jail Bharo movement: The BJP has announced to fight a decisive battle against sealing in Delhi. The party will now open a front against the monitoring committee set up by the Supreme Court for sealing. Against this, running a public movement will also fight the court battle. If necessary, the jail bharo movement will also run. The issue of sealing was the most important meeting of the party’s national executive.
BJP fight decisive battle sealing preparations Jail Bharo movement-

Members of the committee are arbitrary
All the leaders, including Delhi state president Manoj Tiwari, Union Minister of State Vijay Goel, expressed concern over sealing. He called the workers to stand with the people. After the meeting, the state president addressed the press briefing. He said that in the executive meeting, the members have opposed the arbitrary observation of monitoring committee regarding sealing. The members of the committee are being arbitrarily scratched by the court directives, which the BJP will oppose.
The monitoring committee is not taking any action
Manoj Tiwari said that unlawful construction was done in Yamuna Khadar area, not only government land in many places including Okhla in Delhi but the monitoring committee was not taking any action. He is just trying to seal small establishments of ordinary citizens. He said that many times in the case of Okhla, the Delhi High Court has instructed to demolish the illegal constructions done in Yamuna Khadar.
Sealing racket is going on in Delhi
Tiwari said that the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has also ordered, but the committee members are not taking any action. That is why the BJP will go to court and tell how the sealing racket is going on in Delhi by clamping its orders. This racket also includes current and retired bureaucrats.
Against the inevitability of depositing one lakh rupees
A mafia also works to capture government land in Delhi, but the monitoring committee is not interested in acquiring the government land. In the meeting, the compulsion of depositing one lakh rupees with the D-Sealing petition was also opposed.
Corrupt officials will not be spared
The BJP says that in a democratic country, it is necessary to make such mandatory deposit of such a large amount before the hearing in a democratic country to remove it from the poor. It is necessary to oppose it. Between 2004 and 2007, BJP workers had also given arrests in anti-sealing anti-Adalan movement in Delhi, now they are ready for it again. The corrupt officials, whether it is the corporation or not, will not be spared.
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