World beautiful girl beauty become trouble: By the way you have heard many times in the world till now that the law has banned, cricketers are also banned from playing matches, and sometimes some Bollywood actors – actors are also banned. But hearing the news that has come to our attention today, you will not believe that it can happen anytime.
World beautiful girl beauty become trouble-
We are saying that something like this happened with this girl, when looking at the beauty of its amazing beauty, it was removed from its profession by giving a strange reason, it was said that the up is a lot more beautiful, so we will tell you Can not do this work. Obviously, it must have surprised everyone by reading this news.
Yes, you can tell that the 24-year-old girl refused to work in films because she was more beautiful than the girl. Yes, I did not feel strange after hearing it but it is true. For information, let us know that 24-year-old Cambodian actress Danny Nun has been banned from making new films for the next one year as it is violating the code of conduct according to culture and art ministry.
While Facebook is being followed by more than 3 lakh people worldwide, it feels as if it is not doing anything like the other actresses, due to which they should be banned. In the interview given to the media, he said that there are many beautiful artists in the media, many of them do more kissing and erotic sex than me. According to the Daily Mail report, Non-Femin Fan Post told – I know that I want to wear clothes like I can wear, it is my right, but our culture, Cambodian people do not accept it.
Danny Quan’s beauty is happening in the world; Denny Quan does not seem to be less than an apsara. You will be surprised to know that the government there has banned Denny Quon and said that you are more intelligent than the limit so you can not be allowed to work in films.
Denny Quon appealed many to the government and took several steps against the government’s decision, but in the end, he was disappointed and the government has refused to listen to any of Danny Quan’s comments.
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